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Wines and Steins

 Fostering home wine and beer making and the art of tastings


  • We had a fantastic picnic this year.  Check our Facebook page for photos.
  • Members scored big in the Orange County Fair home winemaking competition.  Including two Double Golds!  Click here to see all of the results.

    Note:  This is the Members Only section of the website.  Click the arrow next to the Members tab to see all of the sub pages.  You must be logged in as a member to access member only content.

    Upcoming Events

    Scroll down to view slideshow

    What's Happening Around Town
    (Click here to view the entire list)

    • Information on our next meeting can be found on our club calendar

    Recent Beer and Wine Postings

    Recent Presentations

    President - Paul Casale
    Webmaster -
    Karen Wall

    Find us on Facebook

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