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Wines and Steins

 Fostering home wine and beer making and the art of tastings

Beer Making Equipment

Reservations for the beer-making equipment are handled by our equipment manager(s).  You can check availability by going to the Equipment Calendar under the Resources tab.  The calendar shows availability and has a link to a form to fill out to make your reservation.  If you have any problems with the calendar or form please report them to our webmaster at

After your request has been received an equipment manager will update the calendar to show it is reserved and send you the access code, locker number and lock combination.  

All borrowed items are due back within 24 hours unless otherwise approved.  To use the equipment, you must have gone through an equipment orientation.  Please be sure to return all items on time and in a clean condition as a courtesy to the next user.

  • Wort Boiling Pot
  • Wort Chillers (2)
  • Triple Scale Hydrometer
  • Floating Thermometer
  • Assorted Hoses
  • Bottle Washer
  • Bottle Filler
  • Bottle Capper, Table Model
  • Bottle Capper, Hand Held Model
  • Joy of Home Brewing Book
  • 7 1/2 Gal Key with CO2

Home Brewers must furnish your own 5 gal Carboy and Air Lock for use as a secondary fermenter.

President - Paul Casale
Webmaster -
Karen Wall

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