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Wines and Steins

 Fostering home wine and beer making and the art of tastings

915 Lincoln tasting room Special

  • 11/24/2023 4:12 PM
    Reply # 13283285 on 13269537
    Scott Mathews wrote:

    Christmas Special! Three or more Packs 15% off for club members 30% off for club members. Text or call 805-878-3023 for an appointment (appointments not necessary during open hours)

    The 915 Lincoln Tasting Room is 825 Riverside Ave Ste 1 Paso Robles. Open by appointment Monday through Wednesday and open Thursday through Saturday 12 to 6 and 11 to 5 on Sunday!  Join the club and get even more discounts. For appointment call Scott 805-878-3023. Walk ins welcome Thursday through Sunday.

  • 10/19/2023 5:18 PM
    Message # 13269537

    Wines and Steins Special! Free tastings and 30% off purchases through the end of the year! Text or call 805-878-3023 for an appointment (appointments not necessary during open hours, but if you want to make sure I will be there during this busy harvest season)

    The 915 Lincoln Tasting Room is 825 Riverside Ave Ste 1 Paso Robles. Open by appointment Monday through Wednesday and open Thursday through Saturday 12 to 6 and 11 to 5 on Sunday!  Join the club and get even more discounts. For appointment call Scott 805-878-3023. Walk ins welcome Thursday through Sunday.

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President - Paul Casale
Webmaster -
Karen Wall

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