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Wines and Steins

 Fostering home wine and beer making and the art of tastings

Train Wreck Friday at Pomar Junction

  • 09/21/2012
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Pomar Junction Winery
 Pomar Juction Winery has generously agreed to host our W & S club members @ this month's "Train Wreck Friday" for 1/2 price = $5 each! You will be given a Pomar wine glass to use & will have unlimited free tasting @ the back tasting room until 7 p.m. Extra glasses of wine & bottles of wine will be available to our Wines & Steins members for a 20% discount (just like their Club members!)
The Truth About Seafood band will be play & you can bring a picnic supper or buy reasonably priced dinner items & wraps. Arrive around 5:00/5:30 for the best parking & bring your own outdoor chairs. They are also giving us a private area for seating @ the Hen House. Bring your W & S badge &/ or identify yourself as a Wines & Steins member.

Call or email me if you have any questions or need more info: Johna' DeBellis 239-1724 or 

President - Paul Casale
Webmaster -
Karen Wall

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