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Wines and Steins

 Fostering home wine and beer making and the art of tastings

Monthly Membership Meeting January 6th, 2017

  • 01/06/2017
  • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • American Legion Hall, Templeton, CA

Program for January 6th

Our presenter for the Jan 6th meeting will be:

Lowell Zelinski Ph,D

Precision Ag Consulting

Lowell will be talking about priming and fertilizers.  

Precision Ag Consulting is an agricultural consulting company that specializes in vineyard management, viticulture production consulting, soil fertility and irrigation management on the California Central Coast. Precision Ag Consulting provides soil moisture monitoring sales, service and support.  We are an authorized distributor for Adcon (McCrometer) and Decagon Devices EcH20 weather and soil moisture monitoring equipment in California. 

With the implementation of the Regional Water Quality Control Boards - Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (Ag Order) Precision Ag consults with many growers on the central coast and helps them comply with the many complex regulations contained in that program. Precision Ag Consulting is dedicated to providing top-quality agriculture related products and services.  It uses the latest technology and techniques to help growers, agricultural consultants, and farm managers achieve maximum success through improved crop quality and plant growth and development while saving time and money. 

Dr. Lowell Zelinski

Precision Ag Consulting

805-239-1270 Office

805-286-6544 Cell


5:30 Meeting Setup
6:00-6:30 Happy Hour and Check-in
6:30-7:00 Business Meeting
7:00-7:30 Presentation
7:30-7:45 Food prep & ready
7:45 Potluck Dinner line opens- eat & visit @ your leisure, clean your area as you finish. Leave your table & chairs until...
9:00-9:30 Collective Clean Up


We will have a brief business meeting. Please contact President Tom Johnson (email if you have an item for discussion.

2017 Dues: Please remember that the 2017 membership dues have been increased to $45. 

The popular 50:50 raffle will be conducted by Leslie Cruzen.

Dinner: Please bring a dish to share (6+ servings) – Appetizer, Salad, Side dish, Main dish, Dessert

Beverage: Please bring a bottle to share at the open bar table.

Guests: Members are encouraged to bring guests and potential new members.

Thank you to our Hosts Randi and George Webber and CoHosts  Barb and David Gunn for setting up and closing the facility. (Click here for responsibilities and benefits)

Host and CoHost Responsibilities)

Don’t forget your name badge. If you need another please contact Marty Toussaint at

Be sure to check the Wines and Steins website for more information about our organization: Wines and Steins website                       

President - Paul Casale
Webmaster -
Karen Wall

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