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Wines and Steins

 Fostering home wine and beer making and the art of tastings

Monthly Membership Meeting May 6th @ 6p.m.

  • 05/06/2016
  • American Legion Hall, Templeton, CA
Wines & Steins 2015-2016

Dear Wines and Steins Friends,         
     Our next membership meeting will be  Friday, May 6, 2016 @ 6:00 p.m.

At this meeting we will have the presentation and wine tasting of club members Jim Bond, Cindy Lewis and Joyce and Wally Murray who have won gold medals in any competition during the last year. 

It will be a good opportunity to pick up some pointers about their successful techniques.  If you know anyone who might be interested in home wine making, this would be a good meeting to bring them as your guests.

President - Paul Casale
Webmaster -
Karen Wall

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